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RTSP no data received

Maybe I don't understand how this works well enough but this is the situation.

I'm trying to use LANmic to stream audio from my phone to my PC. Since the app description says "For no delay, use RTSP AAC and set buffer to 0 seconds", I'm trying just that.

RTSP, sample rate 44100, encoder AAC. I click the ON button and the wheel starts spinning. I hit Play on VLC, and i get "Now streaming at XXXKbps" "Packet Loss 1%". No sound on VLC. After a while, spinning wheel again.

On the VLC side, I activated the warning log level (debug doesn't fit in character limit for this message) and I get the following:

live555 warning: no data received in 10s. Switching to TCP
live555 error: no data received in 10s, aborting

I've tried http and it seems to work, although with way more latency than I would like.

Joan , 24.05.2020, 06:55
Idea status: under consideration


portable, 01.06.2020, 12:03
Wait longer, there is delays before RTSP starts working or VLC is able to get the data stream. We don't know why but that is how it is.

For HTTP, set VLC buffer to 0 would eliminate delays if you are using WAV.

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